In January I finished this miniature quilt that I had started about 20 years earlier. The quilt is about the size of a piece of notebook paper. Each log is 1/4 inch wide. It was a great way to use color to create a show stopper.
FEBRUARY was a time to dye fabric, design and create quilts while I enjoyed the Winter Olympics. It also was a time to enjoy seeing my Florida friends and family.
MARCH marked the opening of FLORIDA ICE, my solo show at the Ocala City Hall. The opening reception brought guests from Florida, Wisconsin, North Carolina and other parts of the country. What a high for me to be able to share my work in this beautiful setting with those who appreciate fine art.
APRIL brought my son Greg and daughter in law Julie to Florida for a visit and to see my show.
On May 10th, 2018 at 2:30 pm the 1,000,000 visitor visited my blog. No, I do not know who it was.
My entire Minnesota family was able to visit at the same time. This rarely happens anymore as jobs and school and activities prevent it.
In July I hung a variety of fabrics on my design wall so that they could tell me what they wanted to be and some of them did.
In August I had some home updates done. I gathered various things I had collected and this is one of the cabinets that new life was breathed into.
A major studio purge and reorganization was finished in September.

My Florida family celebrated Halloween in style and costume. Of course food also was an important part of it as it is of all our celebrations.
Thanksgiving with the Florida is always delicious. These are the youngest members of the family and they are all so special.

I had always thought this was a high school student in Edon, Ohio dressed up as Santa Claus. I have spent the last 10 or more years trying to find out who it was. With no one knowing who it was we have come to the conclusion it must have been the REAL SANTA!.
I finished 28 quilts this year. 3 of them had been started a LONG time ago and the others were new. My goal is to finish more than that each year, but I have learned in a year I have a solo show I am lucky to get anything finished unless I need to finish if for the show.