Today was another productive day.
I finished the mouse tree and hung lighting behind it. I didn't feel it needed lights on it.
I also did a little housekeeping in the guest room as it was a staging area as I decorate and many of the containers were now empty. As I put them away I can assess what else I have left to decorate with.

I made what I think is a clever decoration for the lanai. I had two deep white capiz shell trays stacked inside of each other that were holding my Altered Artist Trading cards. I took the cards out and put them away for now.
I put some magenta and silver ornaments inside the bottom tray.
On top of this I placed a string of purple Christmas lights. One Capiz shell was missing which gave me a perfect place for the cord to exit. I secured the two together with cable ties. I then wrapped it as a gift with silver ribbon and a little Christmas corsage.

I think you can see the details better in this view where it is not lit.

Tonight I have turned on all the lights I have installed so far to see how they look in the evening. I put lights and a garland on the "Grandfather clock".

Another thing I did is put these glittery snowflakes in the side light window by the front door. This helps screen the view into our house and is also a fun decorative touch. These were in a container of ornaments I bought with no idea what I would do with them. I simply tied them together with thread. The whole container has come in very handy with this project.
I hope this puzzle lights up your life!