The weather was perfect and we were able to eat outside on the patio.

I remembered to take a picture of the beautiful delicious salad. Doesn't this make you want to help yourself to a bite?
I did not remember to take a picture of the appetizer or dessert.
Mary made a delicious Mexican Dip served with chips and Judy furnished one of the very best cherry pies I've every tasted - not too tart and not too sweet.
We had hoped to get one of the men to take a picture of all of the sisters but they were on their way to their own lunch, and then returned to golf a few holes.
What I did get pictures of are some of the beautiful flowers and plantings in the yard. My brother in law Clay has a knack for choosing and nurturing wonderful flowers and plants.

The geraniums were in full bloom and added a great punch of color.

Each year Clay does something different with this planting bed you see as you walk to the house. It always is magnificent.

This is a closeup of the coleus in the bed.
After lunch we had a great girls gabfest catching up on what is happening in our lives and our families lives.
We always try to fit in one lunch each summer with all six of the sisters.
Mary, Robin and the rest of you who love the puzzles - this ones for you!