Saturday, September 17, 2016

My Fabric Collection Rearranged

I decided I wanted my fabrics arranged in a different configuration. This is the new arrangement.image
This was the previous arrangement. Can you see the difference?
I made 3 main changes.
1. I moved the solids to the top area.
2. I rearranged all the prints flowing from left to right.
3. I pulled several different categories of fabric from the mix and put each one in their own area.
It took me several days to make it work but I was thrilled when I completed the project last night. To do this often I had to move groups of fabrics at least 3 times to make room for what would occupy the space,.

I am very pleased with the new arrangement and it will help me to find things and inspire me to create new work.

This section contains all my Nancy Crow commercial fabrics.
I will share more sections in future posts.


Kathleen said...

I see the fabrics are selvage side out. My guess this helps avoid fading on the folds but does it make it difficult to recognize fabric patterns when looking for something in particular?

Susie Q said...

love the look of your fabric and since you know where things are it is great..... how to you get the folded fabric to "stand" up nice and straight?

Gayle from MI said...

Interesting that you store them selvedge out. Would love to kmow your thinking on that!

Patty Cramer said...

What type of cabinets are those? Ikea??

Wonderful - now you can find everything!!!

Marlyn said...

It looks like you have lots of yardage. How do you deal with all the smaller pieces? Are they folded inside the larger hunks? What happens when you have less than a fat quarter of fabric?

patty a. said...

Wow what a stash!