Recently I shared photos of this quilt on Facebook.
The full view of the quilt does not show the colors accurately.
I am going to share some close-ups with you that will give a pretty good color match.

This is the very center of the quilt. The area you are seeing is less than 6 inches on the quilt itself.

This shows a center that is about 16-18 inches in diameter.

This is a close-up of one of the North, South, East, West points. They are cut from a border print and the reverse of the print to create this symmetrical design.

Here you see the other set of yellow points cut from the same fabric as the previous set. They are cut from a different part of that same fabric.

This is the third and last set of points. There are 16 of them and each is identical, all cut from the same fabric.
I DID NOT build this quilt from the center out.
I started with the section I call the circle of lace which is what you see directly next to the background. I used 32 repeats of the image to create a circle and then designed the center to fit the circle.

If you look closely at this image you will see the words MILLENNIUM written over and over. It was one of a collection of fabrics Jinny Beyer designed for the Millennium.

The blue swag print is a border print she designed for the Millennium.
I added the other fabrics to make a border that set off the rest of the quilt.
This was an exciting quilt to make and never fails to evoke positive responses from those who see it

This picture shows the entire quilt. I was not able to get a photo of it in it’s entirety than shows accurate colors.