Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Activity Night With Our No Hat Group

We used to be Red Hats but we did not like wearing the hats so now we are the No Hats!


The project which I facilitated was dyeing silk scarves with Color Hue Dyes.

I had everything ready for them and it only took 30 minutes for everyone to finish their scarves.

Each one was so perfect for the person who created it.


Everyone is modeling their own scarf here.



After we finished our scarves we had an appetizer buffet and drinks. The food is always so good. These ladies have great recipes.

Mary is already looking forward to our next activity night which only happens once ever year or two!


The Inside Stori said...

Well....this Mary wishes she could have been there for the fun too!!!

Robbie said...

What a great night ya all had!!! What fun...and productive!!