My girlfriends surprised me Friday.
Some of us were together working on projects.

All of a sudden they brought out a tablet and I could see my girlfriend Mary Stori who lives in North Carolina. They really caught me off guard as I thought it was a video!
NO, we were Face Timing, something I’ve only done once or twice before. It was so neat. She got to see what we were doing and we got to see the gorgeous piece she had just finished.
Now Mary didn’t have a mask on and wasn’t dyeing fabric but this was the only picture I could find of her.
We have been trying to get her to come to Florida to visit, but if lived where she does and had to go through what she does to fly somewhere I wouldn’t be visiting either!
We have been friends for a long long time but haven’t seen each other in person for quite a while so this was the next best thing! It was just the best.
Mary and I both started as very traditional quilters and taught for years. We now are both “retired” (if there really is such a thing for people like us) and enjoy creating our own fabric and make original work with that fabric.
And to top that off my friend Jean Sands was able to join us as we played with fabric. Jean is hard to keep track of as she travels and teaches (academically) all over the globe. We caught Jean before she leaves for France next week and China after that and then back to France for another semester or more.
And that’s not all….our friend Bonnie Banks who was back home in Michigan was doing pretty much the same thing as we were doing at the same time.
Aren’t girlfriends the greatest thing ever!