I am NOT showing entire pieces of the fabrics I finished dyeing last night - just small sections of them.

This shows a cross section from 3 coordinating pieces I dyed.

This is one small area of one of the pieces I dyed.
I have pressed this group and have it on my design wall as I decide how I am going to use them. I dyed them all to work together in one composition.
I dyed about 25 pieces of fabric. The pieces were various sizes and shapes. They were all shibori dyed on PVC poles using various techniques.
I know some of you are fabric dyers and I wanted to share one finding with you. I had purchased a yard to Joann's cotton sateen to see how it dyed. It was a dismal failure in my estimation and I will not be purchasing any more of it. The colors were so faded out I will not even be photographing them to show you. I will put it in the pile to overdye and see if I can salvage them. I am not holding out much hope that I can save them.
Love your palette!
I am NOT a fabric dyer but I went to a lecture through SAQA (Studio Arts Quilt Assoc) in Davis CA and saw a world-renown expert (can't remember her name) that really wowed me! Your samples here are breathtaking! Excellent job!
Beautiful fabrics!
Beautiful! Love your color combinations. Let us know what you create with them!
Love it! Looks like a great idea for a class in Salem, when you are here of course.
Beautiful. Our Artrageous Quilters group is going to do shibori fabric dying sometime this year. Can't wait.
Your pix such inspiration! Recently found a box of dyes & PDF fab buried on closet leftover from textiles class in Fremantle 13 yrs ago. Surprisingly all the proceon still good except primary yel. Been dyeing fq's in pastel & doing pole wrap shibori also w/clothes pegs, beans, rubber bands.as base fans for Rayna's painted cloth instructions. Will follow yr blog, Kath in Western Australia.
Was the fabric from Joann's mercerized? I doubt it was since you didn't mention that and I've found that very often what is purchased in stores is not. That would probably be the cause for the dull faded out colors. I'll try to do a post on my blog really soon so you can see what I'm talking about. But I hate to say that if it's not mercerized it may not ever be a brilliant color, but you can always keep playing with it and see. Then you could always paint over it. Painting fabric doesn't require mercerized fabric. I absolutely love your colors in the shibori dyed fabric that you have pictures of here! Can't wait to see what you do with it all!
Ooooh, Kay! They're wonderful!
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