I just finished Good Vibrations.
I did a shibori dye on 6 pieces of fabric. I tried to get a very similar dye pattern on each piece. That is easier said than done with shibori.
Once I had them finished I played with them and tried several different arrangements. This was the most interesting.
To add another design element I inserted a square shibori piece in the composition.
The quilting is not obvious in the full view photo but it echoes the shibori pattern. You can see it better in this close up of one section.
The finished piece may look simple, but I find making those pieces that look simple are usually the most time consuming.
Very cool pieces!!!
As I said on FB...I see lips in that center! Each time I look at it that's what I see! Love all of your b/w shibori pieces!
Kay, this piece looks so complicated. Your talent always amazes.
My first reaction was-oh she kissed the fabric! Very interesting look. The quilting is so subtle but impacts the work.
Wow! I really like this piece. Now, I have to finish the mug I'm coil building and find some fabric for shibori.
This piece has a great impact, the simplicity is deceptive - it requires examination and makes you "catch" the vibration. I suppose the texture must be great in real life, too!
Very cool!
Hello Kay,
This is a really interesting piece. I love the way the quilting echoes the fabric design without actually outlining it.
Thank you for linking up with Free Motion Mavericks!
Love, Muv
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