The Rest Of The Story
We made a spur of the moment decision to buy our house in Florida. The prices were too good (and low) to pass up. Yes, I was the one who didn’t like Florida and was never going to live there.
Never say never.
The community we chose billed itself as an Active Lifestyle Retirement community. Well I needed something to show off my “Active Lifestyle” and what better than silver trophies. I had only 10 months to win them. I won every single one of them plus many more in that short period of time.
There is more than one way to do anything.
For me the way was eBay! Of course I set a limit….no more than $5-$10 for any one. And I did it.
Originally they were going to reside in our great room, but the wall hung TV took away that space. Most have resided in the guest room. It has been interesting to see if the guests read the inscriptions on them. You name it, if it is a sport I have won a trophy in that sport.
After a while I got tired of polishing so many so I began to share. When I bring food to someone’s house I like to use a container I can leave there. When I give someone flowers they get to keep the vase. So at this time this is my “permanent collection”.
1 comment:
What a hoot!!!!
Your silver trophies reminded me of a piece from my mother's house. When we broke up the house there was a trophy that I had never seen but said sure I will take it ..... after all it was silver.... in the box it went. Was many years later that I unpacked that box and LOOKED at the trophy... the name of the school was misspelled!!!!! By that time my mom was gone and there was no way to find out the WHOLE story....
I happy to know your story.
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