Monday, August 17, 2020

Making Lemonade Out of BANG Table

When my table fell and broke I tried to figure out what to do as I did need a table to work on. I had other tables but they weren't right.
All of a sudden a light bulb went off in my head as I remembered I had a cutting table in the studio that I wasn't using.
My friend Bob came over and moved the broken table out of the way.
He also single handedly carried this down the stairs. 
It is even better than what I was using as it is the proper height for cutting.
It is also larger.
It's all ready to work at with priority projects and cutting supplies.
And YES the broken table is fixable but I won't be using it now.


Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

You definitely made lemonade. I am glad the broken table led to a better cutting situation for you.

Robbie said...

Well, look at you!!! You did make leomonade! Good for you! These tables are great for working on and certainly fits your needs perfectly!