Friday, October 1, 2010

Murphy and Marley

Last night I visited my two new grand dogs to take some photos of them.

When I got in the house one dog was SO happy to see me.
It was Riley, one of my older granddogs. He hasn't seen me for a long time.
I think not only was he happy to see me, but he was happy to see someone who would give him the attention he needs now that the puppies take their share which means less for him.

It was so much easier to get Riley to "sit" for his portrait that to take photos of the puppies that never stopped moving!

This is Murphy with Heather, Jeff and Cooper. Sally thought he would be the more active of the two but he has proven to be the calmer of the two. Murphy is Cooper's dog and they do have a great time playing together.

This is Marley with Heather, Jeff, Cooper and Kierstin. Marley is the ringleader when the two of them are together. Kierstin gives Marley a lot of attention and guidance.

They will be 8 months old in 3 days. They each have wonderful dispositions which I am sure is due to the fact that Sally trained and handled them so gently but firmly and made sure they got a lot of love and attention.

Today or tomorrow, depending on when you are reading this, Sally and my son Jeff both have a birthday - something we found out when we first met 48 years ago! We lost track of each other many years ago and have just reconnected this past year.
Another one of my small world stories with a happy ending.

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