Tuesday, November 12, 2013

It Has A Name!

I’m sure I’ve mentioned before one of the hardest things when I make a quilt is giving it a name.

A former student and good friend sent me the PERFECT name for this quilt.


This is what she posted on Facebook:

Cyndi Moody Wheeler Very nice :) I know you don't need a title, but when I saw it the phrase "and...then the centers fell out!" sprung into my head. The depth of the quilt made it seem like an ongoing story and you just turned the page and the next line was, "and....then the centers fell out!" Made me smile :)

So it will now be known as “and…..then the centers fell out!”

I also want to share with you the reason I think I outlined everything in black in school.

I started reading comic books when I was about 4 and our Aunt Alma always sent us an annual subscription to Walt Disney comics. I loved them.

In the comics everything was outlined in black and it added a sense of action and definition to the pictures.

If any of you have every seen a Jinny Beyer Border print or many of her other prints without the black lines printed on them, you will have to agree they are very weak. The black outlines make them come to life and pop.

Black is also a unifying color when you need something to pull things that don’t seem to be working to make a cohesive design.

If you go back and look at this quilt photo before I added the black stitching the effect of adding it will be very obvious.


By the way, I did hear from the friend who was also in Miss Smiths classroom.

The friend share another story of Miss Smith’s poor judgment. Miss Smith was let go at the end of the school year.


Windy Hill Happenings said...

A great piece and love the title

Robbie said...

Perfect title!! And perfect quilt!!

Cathy Perlmutter said...

Wow, I really learned something! The thin black line transformed everything! Thanks so much for a fascinating post, and I love the quilt.