Friday, July 20, 2018

Bobbi Home Permanent

Everything you think you see on the internet is not what it appears to be. I was not drinking beer but was "acting” in a posed photo.
I was a high school sophomore here.
Does anyone remember Bobbi Home Permanents?
Bobbi Pin Curl Wave Permanent Hair Care 1962 Vintage Antique Advertisement
My mom had given me one the week before this picture was taken.
She was left handed and I am right handed. She wound all the curls the opposite way I would.
So when I tried to do curl my own hair it just stuck straight out.
Imagine being this age and having to have your Mom do your hair every night! It was so embarrassing to have to have to have her do it every night.
That was the last Bobbi perm I ever got.


Bonnie said...

My Mom gave me a ton of Tonettes....wanted a curly a straight haired girl. I hated the smell and the time it took to sit still in the chair. Of course, in the 70's, I went through my curly perm stage! LOL

Robbie said...

I love this story and picture!!! I had my hair wrapped in 'rags' every night!!! Had to have those Shirley Temple curls! HA

Shirlee Fassell said...

I remember getting several perms but never remember being happy with the results!