Friday, October 27, 2017

Sacred Spirits

From time to time I rerun one of my most popular blog posts. This one was one of the top ten in the almost 10 years I have been blogging.
This is the largest and most exciting Ice Tapestry I have created for my solo show.
It is 43 x 89 inches.

My ice dyed compositions use my own methods I have created by trial and error. Each one is different.
These are ART ice dyes, not production ice dyes.

I doubt you can see the entire piece at once on your screen so I will add a smaller version here:

I hope you can see it all here, even though you get to see a lot more detail on the larger version.
When pieces get this long it is a challenge to photograph them. So you will have to visit my show to really appreciate this and also all the others.
I plan on showing it in my 2018 show in Florida in March and April. I will share details about the show soon.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I'm looking forward to the Florida show. This piece looks different each time I see it online.