I have knit almost 200 grams of the yarn and only have 38 grams left to knit.
I have a scale that weighs in grams that I purchased for weighing my dyes. I found it is also helpful when I knit.
This has been the kind of knitting I can pick up and knit a few rows between more strenuous activities.
The last two evenings there were things on TV I wanted to watch - a perfect pair - television and knitting!
I'm not sure how much knitting time I'll get in the next few days as I am doing some other things.
I am currently wrapping more poles for arashi shibori dyeing. I want to get one more dyeing session in within the next week. I like to wrap most of the poles I own before I do the bucket dyeing process. I'll be using several colors and several buckets.
We have had such good weather this year for dyeing. I have a lot of fabric ready to design with, as well as 3 pieces ready for quilting and one in the design stage.
Stay tuned!
This pattern from the yarn is so interesting!!! Can't wait to see your next shibori pieces! I haven't done any dyeing this winter...yet! Here's hoping!
Busy, busy busy. Looking forward to seeing your next lot of shibori. The textural look of it appeals to me.
Good work on the knitting.
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