Our art quilters were treated to a trunk show by Robbie Payne on Valentine's Day.
Her work was very accomplished and inspirational.
Robbie (on the right) is is discussing her work with one of our guild members.

This was one of my favorites. Although I could say that about over half of what she showed us!
She used illustrations that were under copyright to make this. She worked hard to track down the holder of the copyright to get permission to use this. She DID get permission. That is something people sometimes forget to do and it is so important.

This frog quilt was another of my favorites. If you have been to my house you probably have noticed a lot of frogs in various areas. It is a tribute to my grandchildren who LOVE to catch frogs. (They do catch and release).

This butterfly quilt was stitched by hand to an artists canvas and then the design on the canvas was integrated with the quilt.
Robbie showed quilts where she had used so many different techniques to create the works and each was so well done. She really has the "ART" part down.
If you would like to see more of her work her blog is:
I didn't think I knew Robbie until I asked her if she had a blog. Then I remembered reading her blog and also talking on the computer. After the meeting I went home and caught up on her blog. I then discovered that we both had created a "slice" for the To Market, To Market quilt Tommy Fitzsimmons facilitated and remembered our conversations which were many!
Yes, although there are millions of quilters in the world, the QUILT world is still a small world as I discover over and over.
There is no way you can appreciate these quilts as well here as you can in person. I hope you get to see them in person some time.
I keep thinking I shouid ask if you knew Robin....I've been following her blog for quite awhile and agree...she's got talent!
Kay! Thank you so much for the nice post! It is a small world isn't it!!! So glad you remembered where it is we 'know' each other from!!!
LOL -- I was also thinking Robbie looked familiar. Then I realized that my Bichon and I follow her little Bichon Kalee's blog. Small world indeed!
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