Monday, August 3, 2015

Messy Monday In My Studio

I needed to find one special quilt and also some quilts to hang on the stairwell.


While I was doing that I decided it was a good time to get the quilts in a logical order and put away where I could find them easily.

Not an easy task, but I’m handling it!


This is one view of some of the piles of quilts. You may wonder why I haven’t piled them all neatly.

1. Actually I wouldn’t have enough floor space to do that.

2. It is easier to see what is in each pile as I can see parts of almost every quilt.

3. A quilt is less likely to get creases if they are scrunched rather than folded.

So there you have it and I am serious about what I just said.


Another view where you can see the bed I pile a lot of my quilts on so I can keep them flat while I store them.

I have already found a few places to store some of the smaller quilts.

I did not disturb one of the piles of quilts on one of the 2 trolleys under the bed. The other one is a work in progress!

I expect this to take a while…but hopefully days, not weeks!


The Inside Stori said...

My mouth is hanging open!!! AND…..the stairwell quilts look great!!

Lynda Thompson said...

Amazing. Do you have an inventory of all pieces? Do you finish all tops to finished products?

Robbie said...

Thanks for a peak into your quilts life!!