I'm trying to do too many things at once.
I'm still organizing my basement and laundry room after having just enough water in it to make things a mess this spring. I had some landscaping done to prevent the problem in the future. I decided to take out the carpet and replace it with ceramic tile and area rugs. I finally feel I'm almost done. I can see the floor, the table top and the top of the washer and dryer in the dyeing studio.
I'm also getting my supplies together for the two classes I'll be taking at Nancy Crow's Barn in October. I have to admit I usually do this at the last minute. By getting things together now I'll be able to decide if I have to ship some of my supplies and will be able to get them there in time for class.
Tomorrow I am giving a class and lecture for The Lighthouse Quilt Guild in Racine, Wisconsin.
Since my lecture is real live quilts - no slides or power point presentation it has taken time to collect them from several places. I always redo my notes and the quilts I include each time I do a presentation so that ws another thing I had to do
I also had to prepare the class materials and supplies.
One of the quilts I will be showing is Bodacious Blossom.

I dyed all the fabric for this quilt myself in a class I took several years ago.
Rather than putting the fabrics I dyed on the shelf with fabrics I had dyed previously I decided I'd make a quilt with them.
I started by putting a piece of heavy paper on the design wall and drew the design free hand and full size.
I then cut the design up into individual pattern pieces. I added the seam allowance by eye when cutting them.
I machine quilted it with various quilting designs.
The center spiral section was all quilted with a similar design.

Each petal was also quilted with a similar design.

When I got to the background I had a field day filling the area in with a variety of quilting designs doing whatever the space allowed me to do.

By clicking on each photo you can see an enlarged version and see more detail.
This quilt has won several awards. I am most proud that it won an award in an all media art show against paintings, sculptures,
I love your blossom. it is quite delicious. I love that your quit making is so varied - so much experience.
See you soon at Columbus Airport!!
Beautiful piece and great job with the quilting. Isn't it fun to just play when quilting. When I grow up I want to be able to quilt and design like you. VBG Judi
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