My brother and sister in law had Thanksgiving dinner at their beautiful restored home on the lake. It's the type of home you see in magazines that are the place the family gathers. It is absolutely perfect. Mary had her Christmas decorations up and they add another festive touch to the whole experience.

The quilt in the picture is one they purchased from me. It alternates with another one they hang for the rest of the year. A perfect spot to hang this quilt with the perfect decorations to enhance it.
I could do a whole blog post about all the vignettes and decorations in their home.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
For the first time in 9 years I spent the holiday with some of my siblings. I come from a family of 5 and when you add in all our children and grand children our family now numbers 42!
There were 11 of us for dinner. With marriages of our children, etc there is always more than one place to spend the holiday. Some of them go to two Thanksgiving dinners.
I don't know how anyone can eat twice.
I ate what I considered lightly and came home and took a nap. It has taken me until now to be able to post to my blog.
A highlight of our Thanksgiving dinners is our secret family dressing recipe. Our dad always made this. I think the recipe came from his mother. We've tweaked it over the years until it is perfect. I've written up the recipe and keep it on the computer. I could never remember exactly how much of each of the 12 ingredients I use. At times I have had help from one of the grandchildren. I add to the bottom of the recipe who helped make the dressing, how long it took to make the dressing, the amount I've made each year, how many people were there, how large the turkey was, what time I put it in the oven, who brought what and what time we ate. That may sound silly to some of you but it really helps me figure out what size turkey to buy etc. Each year I get at least one request from someone in the family who needs me to email it to them.
More later when I finish my Christmas toy shopping for the family at Utoypia. It's just the perfect place to shop for quality toys that will be passed down to the next generation at really good prices. I just love to shop here.