These are raw unstaged photos.
I had hoped to get things looking really neat to take some photos but finally came to my senses.
This is a real WORKING studio and this is about as good as it gets.
I think your reactions will be one of two things:
1. Gee, that's a wonderful studio and I wish I had all that space. . . OR
2. My studio looks so much neater that hers, I'm glad I don't have to deal with all of that.

This is the lounge area. It's a great spot to sit and do hand work or read. It's also where friends can chat and sew. Most of the furniture was purchased on eBay from Denmark, Belgium, and Chicago!

This is the nuts and bolts working area of the studio. Sometimes it looks a little better, often it looks much worse! It has sewing machines, a cutting table, and ironing area and various storage cabinets.
I am up in the treetops on the second floor of our home as you can see from the windows.

This is the library area. I have a lot of books in the studio. They are all related to art, sewing, quilting, fabric dyeing, etc. I'm only showing you the part where the books are nicely arranged!

I also knit both by hand and with knitting machines. The yarn you see here is displayed in an old post office desk.
When I got this all set up my son came up to the studio and said "OK Mom, when are you going to knit!"
My response "What, and spoil that beautiful arrangement." But I do knit and I rearrange the yarn so it looks beautiful all the time.
Perhaps at another time I'll share more photos of the studio with you, but this is a good overview.
When the studio was completed in 1993 Quilters Newsletter came to our home and took a lot of photos of our home and my studio. It was featured in a 4 page spread in the March 1994 issue. If you have or can locate that issue theres a lot of photos to see.
And they were taken before I messed it up!!!!
LOL.....I NEED to show my husband your yarn wall so he can see how deprived I am!
absolutely wonderful! love all the space you have. the sitting area and the yarn! so colorful.
Ok, so I am jealous of all the space! My space is a perpetual mess as in it always looks like a bomb went off in it. Love the yarn.
I'm quite envious of your windows and all of that gorgeous yarn!! Looks like a wonderful space for creating...I have plenty of room, but no windows (basement) and, well, I make more messes than I clean up!
Wow. I am so impressed. Dazed...
Oh Kay.....I can remember back to taking a workshop from you in your basement.....quilting has come a long way!
Am I remembering wrong or did you also take classes in my studio?
I envy you having all of the space in the same room. I have an 11' x 15" room on the main level, packed to the gills, and then the basement which is very roomy but still a basement. Of course I get a lot of exercise, but I have always wanted one BIG room.
Your (tidy) library is an inspiration! and how wonderful to be in the treetops and get that good light.
This room IS TIDY.
How do I know ?
You can see the carpet.
My room? carpet hasn't been seen for yonks.
Helen from Hobart
What was that QNM issue date again - probably not 1994? Maybe 2004? I want to see MORE! Wonderful. . .
It was March 1994. I reread my post and figured out why you were confused - or shall I say I was confused. QN came to visit in 1993 almost as soon as it was finished.
I've always had a hard time proofreading my own writing.
I've been working her for about 14years already
And filling up the space for those same 14 years.
I'll have reaction #1 please! What a wonderfully creative space and it looks like you have awesome views too.
Love Love Love your space. Yours is clean mine is a mess and I won't post photos of it.
I hate to be redundant, but, Wow! I guess I have a medium size studio, fair to middling in the messy department. But yours is very impressive, in size and organization. Love that yarn display.
OMG! I am so jealous!!!
I think my whole house could fit into your studio. Zowie!
Holy Yarn Batman! Love it all!!!
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