Saturday, February 9, 2013

Color In The Gardens

I was so surprised to see my azaleas blooming. This is the earliest they have ever bloomed.
Last year they were at their peak on March 7th. I am guessing these will peak in about a week.
This is my neighbors poinsettia on February 8, 2013. You can see how large the blossoms are in comparison to my hand. Most years we have had a freeze that kills them by now. You can enjoy this pointsettia even more as you put the puzzle together. Click to Mix and Solve


Anonymous said...

Interesting that your garden is about a month ahead. I am thinking we are a month ahead as well. Really, what this means, is I am a month behind in the pruning of the roses. I often have gotten a poinsettia to go to Valentines, not this year and never outside!! I can always do a puzzle though. Thanks.

Robin said...

Your sunny colorful pictures are warming since it is in the 30's here.
Thanks for the puzzle.