Thursday, January 28, 2010

Quilt turning on the studio bed Part 3

Some of the quilts I have made are too large for the trolleys under the bed and yet not nearly bed size. This is a replication of an Amish Trip Around The World quilt.

Five Forever is the quilt I made for the Quilters' Express Trip to Japan competition.
It won first prize and was exhibited at the Yokohama Quilt Festival.

This Origami Bow Tie Quilt was so much fun to make.

Cubic Jubilee was made from hand dyed fabric gradations. It was a challenge to make, but turned out to be very successful.


Quilts and Cats said...

All the quilts are great. Using the gradations in the Cubic Jubilee must have been a challenge. I bet you spent hours auditioning fabrics to get it just right.

Anonymous said...

The wall above the bed- is that a quilt or a painting. Very interesting !

Kay Koeper Sorensen said...

That is painting above the bed.
It is by Frank Salcido, one of my favorite artists.
Eventually I will photograph it and you will be able to see the whole work.