Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Visit From My Son And Grandson

My long time blog readers know I take a photo when guests arrive in front of the quilt on the wall and they each receive a flamingo necklace from me.

My grandson and son arrived a few days ago from Minnesota. They flew from Minnesota where the roads were snow covered and hazardous with traffic moving about 10 miles an hour.

I don't think they realized they didn't need these warm clothes in Florida where the temperature was 80 degrees!

By the time they left to drive back to Minnesota they were wearing short sleeve T-shirts. I hope they kept those warm jackets accessible as they are going to need them as they travel north.

I was a great visit and we accomplished so much while they were here. On a future blog post I'll be sharing one of our projects with you.

1 comment:

Mary Stori said...

I'm looking forward to getting my pink flamingo someday!!!