Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Twelve Days Of Thanksgiving….Day Eight

I also am so thankful for so many people who have been in my life for a long time and that I continue to see.

I’ll do my best to include photos if I can find them.


Judy Sorenson Sattersten and I really got acquainted when we had appointments with the same hair dresser years ago.  Over the years we have tried to find out if we are related as our Sorensen/Sorenson families have so many similar characteristics. We have yet to find a link. We try to see each other when we are in the same area and it’s not always easy to coordinate our schedules.

Of course I see Lynn and John Maher often as we all now live in the same community in Florida!

If it weren’t for our visit to them about 13 years ago we would never have built here.

June and I met through our Double Duffers golf league. We see each other as often as possible as our schedules are both busy. One day she told me she was going through her recipes and throwing some of them away. Then she told me about one she saved from a cooking class she took at KTI from Kay Sorensen. Had that not been a good recipe and one she wanted to save we might never have realized we knew each other long before our golf league.


We met Sharon and Fred Smith through mutual friends when our children were very young which was close to 40 years ago. I will be visiting them in less than two weeks.

Along with our friends the Eineke’s we did a lot of traveling together.

It was so good to see Rich and Joan Eineke when I drove to Florida 4 years ago. It was like we had never been apart.


Suzie McCormack was a girlfriend I met through our mutual acquaintance Sharon Smith. Suzie and I became close friends when she developed an interest in quilting. We have been to many quilting seminars and classes together and we also have our own private quilt retreats!


Shelly Schaetten and I became friends because we were friends of her parents many years ago. I enjoy her company and also following her adventures.


Geri Krien works with my son. We haven’t figured out which one of them is the boss yet! I took this picture of her and her husband Bob when they visited me in Florida last year.

Of all my long time friends the one I have known the longest is Dale Jensen. Our paths crossed so many times in our lives. His cousins lived across the street from us when I was preschool age. Then when we moved to the country we were both in the same classroom…a combined 3rd and 4th grade room. We also were in high school at the same time although he is a year younger than I am. At one time he was the District Administrator at the local grade school our sons went to. Somehow we “met up” on the internet and keep in touch….usually once or twice a year. This year we talked more as I found pictures of our grade school and our church and he works across the street from the convention center where the Quilt Festival is held. He was kind enough to go over and take pictures of the garments I had on display.

Some other friends I keep in touch with either in person or online are Mary Stori, Mary McLafferty, Angie De Jonge, and too many others to mention.

I wish I had pictures of all of these people and I may but with over 16,000 pictures on my computer it can be hard to find the one you are looking for.

1 comment:

The Inside Stori said...

I’m thankful for our long time friendship too!!!