My recent post about Tessellations has been one of the most popular posts I have even shared.
I don't know how many of you who read my blog are quilters.
I don't know how many of you would like to learn how I do this.
If you are interested in a free mini tutorial about making your own Escher type tessellation quilt please leave me a comment.
If there is enough interest I will do a tutorial soon.
I am a quilter and would love to know how you do that!
Hola por favor si puedes hacer un tutorial de este trabajo seria genial, soy algo novata y me encantaria hacerlo. Gracias.
mi mail:quilteranqn arroba hotmail.com
Count me in! I'd love a tutorial!
so would I. I am not a blogger, just a reader of many blogs!
Would make a great tutorial Kay.
Yes, please post a tutorial!
I would love to see a tutorial from you!
oh yes I would love to learn how to do this, THANKS!!!!
Kathie who is finally able to see the driveway after more than 20 inches of snow in less than 36 hrs
I used to teach my Year 8 maths students how to make tesselations, but that was yust drawing on paper. I'd love to see how you translate this into fabric.
Yes, yes, yes,
......and lots of people will come looking. I used the word tassellations in a blog post ages ago, and even with the incorrect spelling it was one of the more popular posts
I have finally changed the spelling, and people are still looking!
Judy B
yes, I would love to see a tutorial. Thank you for your generous offer.
Yes, I would be interested. Thank you.
Yes I would love to see a tutorial. Thanks Kay.
I would love to learn how to do tessalations!!! Thanks for offering, I hope a lot request it!!!
Kay,I would be very interested in your turotial on making tesselations. I have made a few easy ones but have trouble using fabric making more difficul ones.
Kay, yes on the tessellation tutorial! What fun!
<3 judi
Just found this. Don't see a tute yet so guess you don't have enought interest? Can't imagine that. You sure can count me in! Please, (-;
Hey, where's the tute? Please post it soon! Thank you!
Yes, I would see a tutorial
I would love to see a tutorial.
Just find Tessellations in the right column and select it and it will show you all the tessellation tutorials plus othe tessellation posts.
My son is a math teacher and I would love to make him a tessellation quilt! Please make a tutorial for quilters. Thanks. Mary
I would love to see a tutorial
Is this tutorial posted somewhere?
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