Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Florida Ice Show-Rosey Future-12 More Days To See The Show.

Do you ever wonder how I come up with names for my work?
When I was young my godmother wore a color of nail polish called Rosey Future. It was a gorgeous color and she was a very beautiful lovely lady. This just made me think of her.
The show is open through April 26th.  This means you only have 12 more days to see my solo show at the Ocala City Hall. 110 SE Watula Ave
It is open M-F 8 am – 5 pm.

Remember, if you are visiting Florida (or even live here) Ocala is on the way to everywhere. City Hall is just a few miles off I-75.
This is my first solo show in Florida and I am so pleased with the response and attendance.
All the work in the show is for sale. To purchase a piece contact me at:

This is your chance to add beauty to your surroundings.

1 comment:

Karen @runsewfun said...

Congratulations on your solo show! This piece is beautiful. Is it painted?