The Victorian Tea in our community was so lovely and nostalgic.
I am sharing all 4 parts that were previously posted in this one post.
I hope you enjoy it.

Today the Tequila Rose Tea club in our community held their Christmas Tea. The theme lent itself to some lovely decorations and table settings.
I would like to share some of them with you.

It would have been very difficult to pick a favorite as there were so many absolutely gorgeous tables.

Many of the tables had so many wonderful ideas and I will be sharing more details soon.

This is another lovely table setting.

The colors on this table were unique and beautiful.
It is good that there is no voting for the best table settings as it would be impossible to pick a favorite.

The ladies at the tea lent a true Victorian elegance to the event.

My calendar says it is 2010 but looking at this elegant lady I'd almost be fooled into thinking it is the 1890's.

Not only do you see another elegant lady, but in the background is one of the Tea Pourers, property attired!

The real Santa Claus was also in attendance.

This is a very Victorian wreath.

It is a tradition to take a photo of all the table hostesses at each tea. This is a most elegant group.

Each tea has a goup of ladies who keep everyone's tea cup full. Their attire is always appropriate for the theme.

Each course is served by the men who volunteer as butlers. I think they enjoy themselves as much as the guests at the tea.

I am always fascinated by the creativity of the individual place settings.

Another lovely place setting.

And one last place setting for you to enjoy.

For this tea ALL the chairs had white covers. The hostesses used a lot of very creative ways to decorate the backs of the chairs to coordinate with their tables.

It looks like the bow on this chair is made with tulle.

This chair back's deep burgundy ribbon reads very Victorian to me.

This one uses doilies in a very creative way.

Here we see a wreath and tulle for the decoration.
It is amazing that there are so many different ways to decorate the backs of chairs and have them co-ordinate with the table settings.
The tea was really a visual feast. The food was fantastic as always.