Tonight we met at my house for dinner and cards. Here are Lynn, Dorothy, Mary, Marion and Pat. I thought I wouldn't be in the photo but the sliding doors not only are reflecting the view to the west but also I'm there! I have known Pat since our first year of high school. We hadn't seen each other in years until we decided to become snowbirds. You've seen Lynn before and we are long time friends. Even though I met Mary only about 4 years ago we have a connection that goes way back. Dorothy and Marion are friends I have only known about 5 years. We are enjoying appetizers and drinks here with a lively conversation.
We each bring part of the meal. Tonight's menu was Pizzaburgers, a wonderful fruit salad, delicious coleslaw, chips and key lime pie. Everyone always out does themselves since they only have to make one thing.

I have to apologize to the handsome men here as I caught them off guard and they are really much better looking that this photo! Ron is standing and then we have Ed, John, Chuck and Pat. Ron was another high school classmate and I've adopted John as my brother in Florida. Chuck is also someone I met here but with that connection that goes way back. Ed and Pat are also new friends I've only known for 5 years. They seem to really be enjoying the food!
The women played a lively game of cards at the dining room table called Shanghai. Pat was the winner. Poor Mary had a really bad night as she never got a good hand but I sent her home with something I had two of when she asked where I got mine. Gives me one more empty drawer and gives Mary a place to store some things in her pantry.
The men adjourned to the lanai for their game of cards. We asked them what they played and got several different answers. I suppose they couldn't see what they were playing since it was dark out there and they didn't turn on any lights.
A great evening with a great group of friends.

This Mariner's compass quilt is something I started a while back. The center is too large and out of proportion so I am waiting until I decide how to resolve this issue to finish it. It is also tonight's puzzle.

the center of the block looks like a huge emerald!
What about an applique on top of the green to break it up? Something that meets at the four corners? Nice block. I have a mariners compass block too from a workshop but I don't like some of the fabrics I used. It's still a UFO that is somewhere...
you could use another fabric to set it onpoint
so that it becomes the centre medalion of a bigger piece.
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