I did some underpainting on these pieces of fabric.
This is a technique I learned years ago from Jan Myers Newbury.
You paint the fabric with dye concentrates but do not add soda ash and let it dry.
After letting it dry you do a second dyeing with a dark color. I will use a shibori technique - pole wrapping or some other manipulation. The underpainting forms a pattern in the background of the second technique you have done. The resulting fabric has texture and depth that you could not have achieved any other way.

Rather than use paper towels to wipe up spills and clean you tools, it makes sense to use a piece of fabric. This is the piece I used in this class. Usually I continue to use the same piece for several dyeing sessions and get some gorgeous unexpected results.

The markings on this dye rag are fantastic. I want to save them as is. Possibly I will paint this piece of fabric with a solution of soda ash and let it batch. I am not sure if this will allow the markings to remain as distinct as they are.
As I was typing this I had another idea. I may just possibly frame this in a frame I bought yesterday. Time will tell!
And then it was time for moving around again inspired by Linda!

Yes, the group moved right into the other studio where Kathie Briggs was teaching a doll class. That is Kathie at the far left.

These are the parts of a doll being created by one of Kathie's students.

This is another work in progress being created by a student. She had so many fantastic fabrics to draw from.

Another fantastic doll!

Here you get to see two dolls.
It is quite evident Kathie had a very talented group of students, and it is also evident Kathie is a master teacher.
This concludes my coverage of Focus on Fiber. The actual retreat portion ends today so it is only fitting I am ending my coverage of it today.
Thanks to Mary McBride for making this retreat possible and thanks to Linda Dawson for an exceptional class.
Thanks also to the other students in the class for being such a great fun and creative group.
I hope to see you "Same Time Next Year"!