I'm taking a break today from the Tessellation Tutorial series to share a few things from the week.
It's been a good week - and I've accomplished a lot - and so have some other people!

You do remember me talking about the
BIG Potato Chip quilt my friend Kay Webb was making, don't you?
She has made great progress on it. It will be a bed sized quilt.
This is what she had to say about it this morning:
The quilt currently is 102 in x 55 in. It’s not there yet. I like it because it resembles what I think a grandmother would do, back in the day. That is just add strips of whatever, whenever there was time.
It is not the right size yet, and it’s at a point where I can hear one of my professor saying, ok, push it…………….so I am going to push it, to get it THERE………..LOL more pictures will come.
She is a very busy lady, and yet she is accomplishing great things. I can't wait to see more.
Thursday I met my long time friend Sally for lunch one more time before I head north.
We met at B D Beans, one of my favorite places for lunch, but also convenient for each of us as almost a half way point between where we each live.

Guess this must be a friend of Sally's!

This is what the temperature on my car thermometer registered when we left B D Beans!
It has been in the mid 90's everyday recently. Yesterday it rained, something we always need. It cooled down and I was able to enjoy breakfast on the lanai.
I've also been making more postcards. I am having so much fun.
I forgot to take photos of most of them I have already sent. If I show some I haven't sent yet, it could spoil the fun for the recipients.

I sent this one after the Kentucky Derby.
Often friends will make a comment which gives me an idea for a card I will make and send to them.
These cards are not Art Cards. They are Fiber Cards made from quilting cottons. I had some in my fabric collection that started me down this trail. We are fortunate to have a wonderful quilt shop about 3 miles from here. They have a broad array of fabrics. They also have a fantastic collection of novelty fabrics and it necessitated a trip there this week to add to my collection.
I think I've make close to 50 already. And to think, this started when I invited the Red Hat group to my home to make post cards. Who'd a thought!