This is a section of an old yellowed newspaper clipping that is almost 55 years old.
I am wearing “The Skirt”.

And here is “The Skirt” again. I am wearing it with my raccoon coat. My Mom found that coat for me for $25 at a furriers in their unclaimed storage area. I bought it for fun. Little did I know how warm it would be as the winds whipped across the lake as we walked to a 7:30 a.m. class!

This is “The Skirt” today!

It even has my label.
Where has it been for the last 55 years?
Last winter I received a message from a sorority sister and good friend who had been reading my blog.
She said she still had a red plaid pleated wool skirt she had bought from me in college. She had to be a good friend for me to sell this one to her as it was probably my favorite skirt ever. We had lost track of each other for almost 50 years at that time.

Marilyn said she and her husband Rich would be in Florida last winter. I invited them to visit me.
Shortly before they left I sent her an email asking her if they were driving and if they had room and if she could find it could she bring the skirt so I could see it again.
She arrived with the skirt in her hand and said I could have it! I was thrilled.
The amazing thing is she still had it after all those years even though they had moved many times, and also that she knew exactly where it was.
So thank you from the bottom of my heart Marilyn – I treasure this skirt and the memories it holds.