Does this look at all like Christmas? Could we stretch the definition of a Christmas tree and see 2 trees here? There is a lot of red and green. OK, you may have to stretch the definition of red.
This quilt started with a piece of fabric Peggy Erlich put on our guild give away table. It called my name and went home with me.
The design is all done with fabric I dyed or painted. Often when I have left over bits of hand dyed and painted fabric I will fuse them to a large piece of Wonder Under. I then have ready to use fabric when I want to do a fused quilt.
When I am in Florida I tend to work smaller and do a lot of fused work. I prepared the base to work on for this quilt and intended to do a design with circles. Why can't you see any circles in this quilt?
When I am designing this way I start by picking up a piece of fabric that appeals to me and my scissors. I let the scissors direct my cutting. It works and saves a lot of time trying to make a decision. I continue looking at what I have done and add more to it. The scissors didn't want to do circles that day with that fabric. I may put it aside and work on it for several days or I may finish it at one sitting. This was a several day project.
I think of this quilt as a very happy quilt.
At the present time the title is Quilt 315.
Of course we think of stars at this time of year. The star in this puzzle is a unique star with 7 points. It is another design I created with Corel Draw as a quilt inspiration.

I don't see circles but do see spirals. Perhaps they can be considered baby circles still learning how to close up to become mature spirals/circles.
Great quilt.
PS. i just posted to the quiltart list about including a subscription link on your blog. I don't see a way for people to subscribe to your blog either.
This piece is wonderful...my colors and spirals!!
I think spirals can be counted as circles most definately.
great wall hanging - I love the colors and design
Kay, this is def. a winner.....love it! Actually, I love it a lot!
Regarding the question about subscribing to blogs...here's how to subscribe to any blog that has a RSS logo on the far right of the URL address bar.
1. click on the RSS logo
2. select RSS or Atom (click on RSS)
3. a box will appear on the right side of the opened blog...... go to 'Actions' at the bottom and click on 'subscribe in mail'.
Anytime that blog has a new post....it should show up in your mail's inbox. I made a new mailbox for each of the blogs I subscribe to or you can have just 1 mailbox for all the blogs. I'm on a Mac, but assume PC's work the same.
Mary Stori
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