When I changed this quilt into this circular design it reminded me of the Spirograph's my children got from Santa. Do they still make them? I still have two sets up in the studio.

The men very seldom came up to my studio. One year when we had so many people here my son brought over a big screen TV and set it up in the studio. Of course after dinner we knew where to find the men!
The Spirographs are on one of the lower shelves at the right of the photo. When we were building the addition my husband had to carry our granddaughter up the old pull down stair way so she could see the roughed in studio. She said "Grandpa, this is where my shelf is going to be." That area is still the grandchildren's shelf, although they find things all over the studio to use to create things.
Santa came to visit our house when our oldest son was 3. I saw the gauze Halloween type mask Santa was wearing and thought this is going to spoil his relationship with Santa for the rest of his life.
But he just looked at Santa and he truly believed. "Oh, Santa" he repeated over and over. Was this the REAL Santa or is he yet to appear on my blog?

I decided I would check up on Spirograph before I sent this. I found this on line version you might enjoy at:
The spirograph is the one toy from my childhood that I wish I still had!
Truly does resemble those spirographs, how we called them art and were so proud, LOL...
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