This was one of the balloons I found. It was so appropriate as this was the same friend who sent me the transparent butterfly email.
Because of the reflective surface of the other balloon I was not able to get a photo of it. It said "Halfy Birthday" - of course!
What kind of cards do you send when celebrating a Halfy Birthday?
Halfy Birthday cards, of course.
It is also appropriate to add the number of days old the celebrant is!
Lunch was barbecued ribs, potato salad, coleslaw, chunky cinnamon applesauce and hot home made wheat bread and butter. The wine was Chateau St Jean Chardonnay from Sonoma County.
I forgot to take food and people photos.

This is the cake - a carrot cake sliced down the middle so that it had half the carrot and although you can not read it on the top it says "Halfy Birthday"!
I didn't take any more photos to share with you, but take my word for it - our friend was surprised! Kept saying "I've never heard of this before - Is this a Wisconsin thing?
"Did you always do this in your family?"
I also heard "I can't believe this!" many times during the afternoon from those in attendance.
I think it is so much fun to do the unexpected. I've had a lot of opportunities to do the unexpected with my friends here recently.
What else but the transparent butterfly for today's puzzle!

What is a Halfy Birthday?
Whewww! Thanks for the reminder, Kay. Our two girls were born on the same day a year apart, and their half birthday is May 13...I almost forgot!
They are 49 and 50, so it's not the priority it used to be and sometimes we forget it but not this year!
I wrote The Parents Party Book, for Parents Magazine (Golden Books, 1999), and included a Happy Half Birthday party--a great alternative for kids with b'days around Xmas, or when friends are normally on vacation. Invite--a half moon shape. Party starts on the half hr., pairing pictures of half an animal to make a funny, fantasy beast; painting half a face; hopping on one foot relay races; half a clue--both pieces must be found--for a treasure hunt.
For quilters, how about a play date with half-square triangles? Or, cutting any classic block in half--and mixing? Fun!!
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