I remembered to take the arrival photograph that I take when friends visit for the first time.

Once we started talking I never remembered to take food photos or the "Ladies Who Lunch" photo.
It's wonderful to see someone you haven't seen in 47 years and still be able to pick up where you left off and catch up on the years you've missed in each other's lives.
We've got a lot more catching up to do and we won't wait 47 more years to do it.
I also want to share some silk fabrics I have dyed and dyed and dyed! These have at least 3 dye baths on each piece to give depth of color and pattern to them.

I can not remember the order I dyed the colors in this fabric. I folded it differently each time I dyed it and the resulting fabric has many variations in patterning.

I also used at least 3 layers of dyeing in this particular fabric. Again I have no idea what colors, manipulations or order I did things in. These are not fabrics that are meant to be reproducible.

The patterning in this fabric is quite different than the first two. It also has at least 3 layers of color.
I can not bear to cut up any one of these so I would guess each will be used in a pillow.
I hope you enjoy the challenge of this puzzle.

Hi Kay...love your fabric. The colors are great! And the patterns add interest. Do you have plans for this fabric, or are you going to let it speak to you about its future?
Amazing brilliance. And they are unique. No reproduction possible. I could hardly give them away if I worked like this.
Kay, I love the puzzles. I work them frequently. Nancy
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