Today the fog was so thick you couldn't see 20 feet.
These photos were taken after 9:30 a.m. when 90% of the fog had already lifted.
It was a very surreal effect.

They were just starting to let golfers on the course.
The palms are Queen palms and they really suffered from the freezing weather we had for an extended period of time this year. If you look to the far left you will see some of the palms that have already been removed. I'm hoping the rest of them survive.

I love the look of this landscape.

It turned out to be a beautiful warm day.
The azaleas are about a month behind last year. They are almost in full bloom now.

This is a closeup of the same view of the azalea bush I showed you on March 6th with no blossoms. You can see there are still a lot of buds that haven't even opened. It is going to be even more magnificent in the next few days.
I'm sending you flowers for the puzzle!

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