It wasn't long before I had my first visitors. My son and youngest grandson came over to fix my TV.
While my son was finishing up the TV I brought my grandson downstairs to chose TWO amulets. This photo is a little blurry because I don't think he ever sits still so I did the best I could.

When you are four years old and someone puts over a hundred pretty things in front of you and tells you to pick only two it is a VERY hard job. These were some that he was considering. When I told him he could only keep one and he would have to give one away that was even harder. He did finally pick two - one for himself and one for his mom.
Then his dad came down and very quickly picked his two. It's easier when your 50 and have had to make choices all your life.
The next thing my grandson wanted to do was make some himself. I told him he'd have to be about 9 or 10. So he told his Dad he'd like to be 9 or 10 NOW. His dad told him it doesn't work that way!
They'll be back for more tonight! I also showed him some photos of how friends have displayed them so he will treasure them and keep them as a collection each time he gets more. Then he decided he wanted to go to Florida and see my friends collections and also to Norway to get a boat like one friend is using to display theirs!
I also spent quite a bit of time today working on listing some things on eBay. I realized one reason there is still clutter in my studio is because there are 4 or 5 big plastic bins of things I've been saving to list. It took me longer than it used to because it's been at least 2 years since I've listed anything. I did get 6 items listed and hope to add more soon.
After getting all that done I wasn't even sure I'd have the energy to do a post for you but somehow I did and I hope you've enjoyed it.
These are so vibrant & lovely. Have you ever done buttons with them?? Does the polymer shrink much when you bake it??
Yes, I have done buttons.
It makes great buttons.
It shrinks a little bit, but not enough to really notice.
Guess I will have to post some buttons.
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