I'm finishing the Glitzy Bags I started a while ago.
I had no trouble with the first three.
Number 4 was another story - those of you who enjoy tales of how I don't always do things right - STAY TUNED.
I sewed the zipper to the top of the bag correctly.
Then I sewed the sides shut as usual. I cut off the excess zipper.

I forgot to open the zipper before I sewed the sides shut and cut off the excess length of the zipper.
This meant I had also cut off the zipper pull.

What to do? Cut off the portion with the zipper.

Straighten up the top edge and sew another zipper to the bag. Fortunately I had a lot of red zippers.
You can see two of the finished bags at the beginning of this post. I'll be showing you more of them soon.
Have you seen the marquee at Wrigley Field recently? If you haven't I'm sharing it with you as a puzzle.

Will 2009 be the year the Cubs win the World Series? I think so.
Yep. Been there and done that - usually on a garment when shortening a zipper.
I think I would have "invented" a way to get that zipper open. Something involving a long needle and a fishing expedition, blindly trying to open it from the backside. I strongly dislike having to cut up work that I have already done.
Even though I believe to be the zip whisperer in our home, I wouldn't have bothered to repair it. To try and undo such accidents means a waste of time, even more, if ambitions comes along, tempting you to teach the zip a lession.
In answer to those who wouldn't repair it, I have to say it was a no brainer.
I had already cut off the slider so even if I opened it I still had a non working zipper. Putting the sliders back on takes me at least 30 minutes and then they don't necessariy work.
I didn't have to unsew anything.
It didn't need to be a specific size.
I had put hours and many broken needles into creating the glitzy fabrics.
So taking less than 3 minutes to cut and straighten it and less than 5 minutes more to sew another zipper was too easy!
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