A year ago today you had would have had only 10 more days to see my solo show along with 3 other solo shows - part of Quilts: Another Dimension.
All of my siblings, spouses, 2 cousins and my niece and nephew in law were present at the opening of the show. I was so happy they all were able to be there.
My son Greg, his wife Julie and their children drove down from Minnesota to see the show.
Sue lives the closest to the Anderson Arts Center, Suzie came all the way from Maine for the show opening and Sylvia lives in the county like I do.
Elaine was the first person through the door that I knew. Would you believe we met in Florida and yet she lives just miles from me in WI/IL? She was at my house in Florida last month for our get together with friends. We also celebrated her birthday and her sister in law's birthday that evening.
It was so good to see long time friends Tim and Mary.
Ellen and I go way back. We lived on the same floor of our college dormitory our freshman year.
Sheri, Donna, Geri and Marcia are part of my son's office staff. Their big smiles and pleasant personalities are one reason I don't mind going to his office.
June, Pam and Jamie and I had a nice lunch and then visited the show.

Joyce, Corrinne, Carolyn, Kay, Sue and Joan had a nice sociable lunch and then we all visited the show. I gave a little explanation of the show to the group.

My friend Joy and her husband Lyle also were there when I got there one afternoon.

Bonnie also happened to be at the show when I visited one day and It was so good to see here again.

I was so happy Barbara was able to visit the show when I was there.

It had been years since I had seen my friend Jill. I was so happy she happened to be visiting the show one day when I was there.

An important event even at Wrigley Field!
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