The Fourth of July was an important holiday while I was growing up in Racine, Wisconsin. Although it is still almost 2 weeks until the 4th the party begins now!

I'll never forget:
Fourth of July Fireworks at Washington Park Golf Course and the swaying bridge crossing Root River - And Coupons for Cracker Jacks and Ice Cream from the Schools.
Parades with Racine's musical units -- the Elks Band, Boy Scouts, Kilties and Boys of '76, Johnson's Wax Band, Park Board Band, the baton twirlers, and the beautiful floats in the parade
We also had so much fun decorating our bicycles and wagons for the neighborhood park parades.

I made this flag from 6 layers of flag print fabric. I used the Faux Chenille Technique. When I washed it the fabrics did not bloom like I had hoped. I would guess the fabric had a large percentage of polyester along with the cotton. It is still a fun flag with some texture.

This closeup shows the texture clearer.
I made this several years ago and somehow never got around to displaying it. When I started to look for it it took me quite a while. Even when I remembered approximately where it was I still didn't see it right away.

I also associate home made strawberry jam with this time of year. With the home grown strawberries I bought at the farmer's market last week I made a batch of freezer jam. It is absolutely positively delicious if I do say so myself. My family agrees!
USA for the bright red strawberry jam.

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