Last night I went over to visit my two new grandogs. I visited my friend Sally in Florida and loved her puppies. I was so impressed with the way she raised and handled them in such a gentle loving way.
When I told my son and daughter in law about them it didn't take them long to decide to make the two puppies part of their family.
They arrived in Milwaukee on Delta Airlines just before our storm hit Friday. They made the trip with no problems. It was love at first sight for the puppies and the family.

I don't know who was having the most fun when I was there - the puppies or the grandchildren. It was hard to take photos as they were so active. It is obvious the puppies are loving all the attention and the kids are loving the puppies.

Even before the puppies arrived Cooper claimed Fred as his puppy and Kierstin has claimed Marlo.
It tired me out just watching them play together.
When I left about an hour after that each puppy had gone into their crate where they seem to love it. What a wonderful beginning to a long and happy relationship between the puppies and their new family.
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